is new portal for free classified services everyone, company or individual, can publish online classifieds. is a free classified similarly like Here are Sheryna Tips for advertised :
- Is not recommended to use, for title or description of your classified, short words (internet slang, sms style, etc), because when visitors are searching ads using keywords, your classified will not be displayed!
- Is not recommended to write a very short description. Classifieds with 100 words will be displayed more frequently than classifieds with 3 words for description, when visitors search using keywords!
- Bear in mind, when you fill the classifieds registration form, the following special characters
< > $ % ^ & * / | \ [ ] – { } ; " ´ • or other kind of bullets, are not allowed (secutity reasons!). - For title and description of the classified, the words can be lower case, upper case or title case. Ex: 'malaysia', 'MALAYSIA' or 'Malaysia' is OK!
- For title and description of the classified, do NOT use words typed with mix character case.
Ex: 'maLAysia', 'MalAYsIA' or 'MaLAYsia' is NOT OK!
(If the search is made using keywords, this type of classified will not be displayed.) - Keywords can be only words with minim 4 characters!
- Keywords can be lower case, upper case or mix.
- If use '-' or '+' sign in front of a keyword, keywords become case sensitive. Ex: using '+malaysia' in keywords field => will display only classifieds which contain 'malaysia' word, but not the classifieds which contain 'Malaysia' or 'MALAYSIA'.
So, ONLY if use '-' or '+' sign make searches for all 3 possibilities from above, to be sure that didn't miss a classified. - If you are interested only in cars registered in 2005: in keywords field type 2005, in category box select Used Cars and click Search button.
- If you are interested only in women clothes: in keywords field type Women, in category box select Clothes/Shoes/Bags and click Search button.
Exception for this category: if search only clothes for men, can not use the above example (because 'men' has only 3 characters and can not be considered a keyword). But this will be OK: in keywords field type Clothes -Women -Children -Other (must be used title case style!), in category box select Clothes/Shoes/Bags and click Search button. - Search bar is a powerful tool. Feel free to try any combination. Is there, so use it!